Short Term Goals


* secure an internship for summer/fall 2019

* finish 2018 summer school courses in:

* Foundations of Computer Science II (C++)

* Discrete Mathematics I & II

* Linear Algebra

* finish 2018 fall courses in:

* Calculus II

* Computer Ethics

* Assembly Language

* Data Structures and Algorithms

* Object-Oriented Design and Programming


* Continue working on building this site

* Continue learning a sufficient amount of HTML/CSS/HTML, Swift, npm/Bower, Java, Git/Github

* Start working on an actual project

* Learn new ways to meditate and relax

* Develop better drawing skills

* Become more knowledgeable about computers and the tech community in general

Long Term Goals

Professional & Personal:

* Graduate with my B.Sc in Computer Science in 2019

* Start graduate school in 2020

* Travel the world

* Teach kids how to code

* Become a software engineer

* Learn how to dance and not look a fool